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A Clone Sacrifice -
By Paul Chaplin
Release Date : 15th February 2016

A Clone Sacrifice is the eagerly awaited follow up to my unique debut book A Clone Legacy.
This is a gentle form of Science Fiction inspired by the classic 1980’s stuff. This focuses on the relationships and trust a group of friends needs to build to give themselves a foundation and chance of survival. It is hoped this will appeal to all but the youngest of readers as swearing and adult themes are avoided.
It is a tumultuous time for Torb’s group, tension and emotions are running high as they struggle to stay alive in the Unchartered Zone in a now unfamiliar ship. Their future becomes increasingly fraught as Torb’s behaviour becomes erratic and secretive.
A fact finding mission is suddenly dropped on them and quickly escalates only to be brought to a shuddering stop by health problems for one of the group. This forces them to retrace their steps and re visit one of their old stomping grounds, where they quickly discover all isn’t well and Torb’s behaviour takes a sinister turn for the worse. Sadly their number is reduced and Meda must undertake a mercy mission which maroons the remainder of the nervous group.
Jenka battles to control and hold together the bunch of unlikely friends as a murderous enemy indicates its intention to confront them and ruin their plan to escape to a new universe forever. More than ever the group need Torb to demonstrate clear leadership but he has gone missing leaving a devastated Jenka to raise their child alone. Al must face some harsh facts about the history of his race.
Guidance from an unlikely source heaps more pressure on the fragile individuals as they are forced to fight and run for their lives. Under these extreme conditions strange bonds are forged and unexpected heroes rise to the challenge if only someone can solve the puzzle of the missing code. The difference between success and failure is on a knife edge but all of the group must keep the faith, just as success is within grasp sinister beings are starting to grow stronger poisoning the atmosphere with dark malice.
A Clone Sacrifice is the eagerly awaited follow up to my unique debut book A Clone Legacy.
This is a gentle form of Science Fiction inspired by the classic 1980’s stuff. This focuses on the relationships and trust a group of friends needs to build to give themselves a foundation and chance of survival. It is hoped this will appeal to all but the youngest of readers as swearing and adult themes are avoided.
It is a tumultuous time for Torb’s group, tension and emotions are running high as they struggle to stay alive in the Unchartered Zone in a now unfamiliar ship. Their future becomes increasingly fraught as Torb’s behaviour becomes erratic and secretive.
A fact finding mission is suddenly dropped on them and quickly escalates only to be brought to a shuddering stop by health problems for one of the group. This forces them to retrace their steps and re visit one of their old stomping grounds, where they quickly discover all isn’t well and Torb’s behaviour takes a sinister turn for the worse. Sadly their number is reduced and Meda must undertake a mercy mission which maroons the remainder of the nervous group.
Jenka battles to control and hold together the bunch of unlikely friends as a murderous enemy indicates its intention to confront them and ruin their plan to escape to a new universe forever. More than ever the group need Torb to demonstrate clear leadership but he has gone missing leaving a devastated Jenka to raise their child alone. Al must face some harsh facts about the history of his race.
Guidance from an unlikely source heaps more pressure on the fragile individuals as they are forced to fight and run for their lives. Under these extreme conditions strange bonds are forged and unexpected heroes rise to the challenge if only someone can solve the puzzle of the missing code. The difference between success and failure is on a knife edge but all of the group must keep the faith, just as success is within grasp sinister beings are starting to grow stronger poisoning the atmosphere with dark malice.
A Clone Sacrifice
Chapter One
The Unchartered Zone
“SHIELDS!” screamed Meda.
Before Miss Prim could respond, Torb jumped to his feet from a slouched position over the console and calmly ordered, “I overrule that, Miss Prim. Power down the shields and take the weapons off-line, then transmit our surrender.”
Meda gawped at Torb in astonishment but couldn't make up her mind if she should scream or lash out at him in sheer frustration.
“I detect a power source.....growing in strength......impossible to locate,” announced Miss Prim.
“That’s not a lot of help, there has to be over a hundred ships out there!” commented Maard.
“Any one of them could be about to destroy us!” groaned Jenka gloomily, as she wondered whether this ordeal was ever going to end.
When the intense bright light had faded and Miss Prudish announced they’d reached the Unchartered Zone, the sight which greeted them on the observation screens was a little disturbing in Torb’s opinion and much more frightening for the others. Amassed all around them and hanging at varying points of symmetry covering almost one hundred and eighty degrees, were a formidable collection of battle cruisers. For whatever reason, they remained stationary.
“Stay calm, I don’t believe we’re in any danger,” said Torb, rather more calmly than he actually felt. Once again, Meda fixed him with an incredulous stare.
“Power source still increasing in intensity,” warned Miss Prim.
Meda turned around to look at Torb once again and was astonished to see he had his eyes closed and appeared to be meditating! In fact, Torb was actually attempting to re-establish contact with the dead Drakna but the mental exercises he’d learnt in his previous couple of brief mind-contacts with the magnificent creature were failing to bring him the reassuring touch of the Drakna’s superior intellect. He decided to keep on trying and if he wasn't successful, he’d follow the advice he’d been given on their one and only meeting and simply trust his own feelings.
As Maard currently had nothing better to do, he decided to go in search of Al. He was concerned since Al had run off from the flight deck in abject terror over an hour ago and hadn't as yet reappeared, although he felt fairly certain he’d find Al huddled in his cot with the covers over his head, probably weeping pathetically but that wasn't about to make Maard dislike the gentle soul. Maard had a lot of sympathy and respect for Al because due to his extremely nervous disposition, Al had to confront his fears on a daily basis, whereas in Maard’s experience, most beings avoided doing that entirely. He also valued the intelligent input Al often offered, as well as the robust support they shared for one another. Sure enough, when Maard reached Al’s cabin he could hear gentle sobbing emanating from within. Maard knocked gently on the door and the sobbing abruptly stopped. “Al, I’d welcome your company and assistance on the flight deck please,” he called out and without waiting for an answer, Maard discreetly returned to his station.
From under the covers, Al looked down towards his lap in the gloom and wondered how much of a mess he’d made of his robe. It was at times like this that he really hated himself. All too readily, he became a pathetic quivering mess at the first sign of adversity, whereas his friends constantly demonstrated their willingness to risk their lives for each other. That thought prompted the tears to flow again which then made him angry, so he threw off the covers and struggling to get his legs moving he promptly fell out of his bed, winding himself when he hit the floor. He pushed himself onto his hands and knees and using the side of the bed, shakily got to his feet. He remained there for a couple of minutes, forcing as many deep breaths into his little body as possible. He made a mental note that if he ever saw Jenka again he should remember to thank her for sharing that very useful technique with him. Al was a little startled when the door automatically opened before he’d even reached it but he guessed Miss Proper was probably monitoring him and trying to be helpful. Reluctantly, Al began walking in the direction of the flight deck, trying to control his still shaky nerves.
“Should we transmit our surrender message again?” asked Jenka. She would have hated to have to admit it but since Torb’s impromptu spacewalk, she was finding it far more difficult to cope with their plight on her own and it was a vivid demonstration of how much she relied on him for support but she felt a little ashamed to feel so needy.
“Is that power source still building, Miss Prim?” asked Torb, seemingly ignoring Jenka, which Meda thought he may only just get away with because he wasn't actually anywhere near Jenka but Meda was damn sure Jenka wouldn't forget it.
“Targeting systems coming online now and power strength plateauing,” announced Miss Prim routinely.
This was too much for Meda. “TORB!” she bellowed.
Torb flinched a little but then he did at least open his eyes and smile at her. “It’s going to be alright,” he said soothingly. Meda’s mouth fell open in shock; how could he possibly know?
“I'm pleased to announce that Al has re-joined me on the flight deck,” Maard said with relief because for some reason, he couldn't explain why but he feared dying on his own, far more than he feared dying itself. There was no acknowledgement from the others but Al, who’d studied the array of ships intently from the moment he spotted them, quickly observed, “They have no obvious means of propulsion..........they appear to be drones.”
“What do you mean by drones?” asked Meda immediately.
Al took a few seconds to compose his thoughts before responding. “I mean they’re slave ships remotely controlled by a central computer, possibly on one of the other ships. They’re usually controlled by a very basic reactive program, along the lines that if they’re attacked, they will retaliate, if not provoked they will probably just monitor.”
“Sound reasoning!” declared Maard encouragingly. Al beamed back at him.
“I agree, I think this might be a final test of nerves,” said Torb.
“I hope you’re right about ‘final’!” Jenka commented rather wearily.
“Hear, hear!” agreed Meda.
“Activation!” said Miss Prim with no explanation whatsoever.
Jenka took a sharp intake of breath and held it in, allowing a single tear to escape down the right-hand side of her face. As they each watched their own observation screens, they suddenly saw the two central ships slide away backwards, accompanied by a low humming noise and then two more then finally, a larger ship slowly edged away, until all became quiet and motionless once again.
After a minute or so Torb asked, “Is that gap big enough for us to get through?”
“Confirm,” replied Miss Prim.
“Please ask Miss Prudish to move us through it.......but slowly,” ordered Torb.
“Define slowly?” checked Miss Prudish.
“As slowly as possible!” snapped Torb, prompting another glare from Meda.
Two agonising hours later, Miss Prudish finally announced, “We’re through,” and everyone took what felt like their first breath for ages and relaxed.
Torb felt weak and tired and realised he really needed some food so he issued instructions; “Everyone take a break, grab something to eat and let’s have a talk in about thirty minutes.”
Meda followed him into the galley and fixed him with a quizzical look, saying, “I thought we’d all be celebrating if and when we got through but the only reaction was silence.”
“Apart from me, who else expected us to still be alive at this stage? Give us all some time to get used to our new situation and then we’ll see how people are feeling,” he told her.
“I would imagine Jenka is feeling a little lonely at the moment,” said Meda rather slyly, unable to resist the temptation of provoking a reaction from Torb. He immediately stopped what he was doing and turned to her with a slightly confused expression on his face which then slowly altered to show his gradual comprehension, then realisation and finally horror. Meda roared with laughter.
Jenka was definitely having a hard time containing her anger. Torb hadn't even so much as asked how she was since his stupid space-walk, and now he was giving out instructions without a care in the world. As far as she could see, they were going to remain apart for the foreseeable future, unless something dramatic happened but that apparently didn't concern Torb, he hadn't even mentioned it! As a consolation, Jenka got herself a snack which contained an enormous amount of sugary calories which she quickly consumed, deciding that it would be Torb’s fault if she got fat.
Maard and Al were enjoying two very different meals; Maard had three sweet pastries with his coffee but Al had opted to go for some stew, which had been a favourite of his ever since he’d first arrived on Sibli and strangely, he found it very comforting. “What do you think Torb’s next move will be?” he asked Maard as he drained the last of his coffee.
Maard took a moment to consider the question before responding and as he refilled Al’s cup, he said, “I suppose he’ll want to start the search for a suitable planet straight away but the situation with the ship might delay that.”
“Situation with the ship........why, what’s wrong with it?” demanded Al, immediately becoming alarmed and fearing he’d missed some vital information.
Maard held up his hands to placate him and explained, “Nothing is wrong but we cannot move between what were once three individual ships, so now Torb and Jenka are being kept apart. Torb might not know it yet, but that’s a big problem.”
Some confusion raced over Al’s face but he decided not to press Maard for an explanation, just in case it was something that might frighten him.
Chapter One
The Unchartered Zone
“SHIELDS!” screamed Meda.
Before Miss Prim could respond, Torb jumped to his feet from a slouched position over the console and calmly ordered, “I overrule that, Miss Prim. Power down the shields and take the weapons off-line, then transmit our surrender.”
Meda gawped at Torb in astonishment but couldn't make up her mind if she should scream or lash out at him in sheer frustration.
“I detect a power source.....growing in strength......impossible to locate,” announced Miss Prim.
“That’s not a lot of help, there has to be over a hundred ships out there!” commented Maard.
“Any one of them could be about to destroy us!” groaned Jenka gloomily, as she wondered whether this ordeal was ever going to end.
When the intense bright light had faded and Miss Prudish announced they’d reached the Unchartered Zone, the sight which greeted them on the observation screens was a little disturbing in Torb’s opinion and much more frightening for the others. Amassed all around them and hanging at varying points of symmetry covering almost one hundred and eighty degrees, were a formidable collection of battle cruisers. For whatever reason, they remained stationary.
“Stay calm, I don’t believe we’re in any danger,” said Torb, rather more calmly than he actually felt. Once again, Meda fixed him with an incredulous stare.
“Power source still increasing in intensity,” warned Miss Prim.
Meda turned around to look at Torb once again and was astonished to see he had his eyes closed and appeared to be meditating! In fact, Torb was actually attempting to re-establish contact with the dead Drakna but the mental exercises he’d learnt in his previous couple of brief mind-contacts with the magnificent creature were failing to bring him the reassuring touch of the Drakna’s superior intellect. He decided to keep on trying and if he wasn't successful, he’d follow the advice he’d been given on their one and only meeting and simply trust his own feelings.
As Maard currently had nothing better to do, he decided to go in search of Al. He was concerned since Al had run off from the flight deck in abject terror over an hour ago and hadn't as yet reappeared, although he felt fairly certain he’d find Al huddled in his cot with the covers over his head, probably weeping pathetically but that wasn't about to make Maard dislike the gentle soul. Maard had a lot of sympathy and respect for Al because due to his extremely nervous disposition, Al had to confront his fears on a daily basis, whereas in Maard’s experience, most beings avoided doing that entirely. He also valued the intelligent input Al often offered, as well as the robust support they shared for one another. Sure enough, when Maard reached Al’s cabin he could hear gentle sobbing emanating from within. Maard knocked gently on the door and the sobbing abruptly stopped. “Al, I’d welcome your company and assistance on the flight deck please,” he called out and without waiting for an answer, Maard discreetly returned to his station.
From under the covers, Al looked down towards his lap in the gloom and wondered how much of a mess he’d made of his robe. It was at times like this that he really hated himself. All too readily, he became a pathetic quivering mess at the first sign of adversity, whereas his friends constantly demonstrated their willingness to risk their lives for each other. That thought prompted the tears to flow again which then made him angry, so he threw off the covers and struggling to get his legs moving he promptly fell out of his bed, winding himself when he hit the floor. He pushed himself onto his hands and knees and using the side of the bed, shakily got to his feet. He remained there for a couple of minutes, forcing as many deep breaths into his little body as possible. He made a mental note that if he ever saw Jenka again he should remember to thank her for sharing that very useful technique with him. Al was a little startled when the door automatically opened before he’d even reached it but he guessed Miss Proper was probably monitoring him and trying to be helpful. Reluctantly, Al began walking in the direction of the flight deck, trying to control his still shaky nerves.
“Should we transmit our surrender message again?” asked Jenka. She would have hated to have to admit it but since Torb’s impromptu spacewalk, she was finding it far more difficult to cope with their plight on her own and it was a vivid demonstration of how much she relied on him for support but she felt a little ashamed to feel so needy.
“Is that power source still building, Miss Prim?” asked Torb, seemingly ignoring Jenka, which Meda thought he may only just get away with because he wasn't actually anywhere near Jenka but Meda was damn sure Jenka wouldn't forget it.
“Targeting systems coming online now and power strength plateauing,” announced Miss Prim routinely.
This was too much for Meda. “TORB!” she bellowed.
Torb flinched a little but then he did at least open his eyes and smile at her. “It’s going to be alright,” he said soothingly. Meda’s mouth fell open in shock; how could he possibly know?
“I'm pleased to announce that Al has re-joined me on the flight deck,” Maard said with relief because for some reason, he couldn't explain why but he feared dying on his own, far more than he feared dying itself. There was no acknowledgement from the others but Al, who’d studied the array of ships intently from the moment he spotted them, quickly observed, “They have no obvious means of propulsion..........they appear to be drones.”
“What do you mean by drones?” asked Meda immediately.
Al took a few seconds to compose his thoughts before responding. “I mean they’re slave ships remotely controlled by a central computer, possibly on one of the other ships. They’re usually controlled by a very basic reactive program, along the lines that if they’re attacked, they will retaliate, if not provoked they will probably just monitor.”
“Sound reasoning!” declared Maard encouragingly. Al beamed back at him.
“I agree, I think this might be a final test of nerves,” said Torb.
“I hope you’re right about ‘final’!” Jenka commented rather wearily.
“Hear, hear!” agreed Meda.
“Activation!” said Miss Prim with no explanation whatsoever.
Jenka took a sharp intake of breath and held it in, allowing a single tear to escape down the right-hand side of her face. As they each watched their own observation screens, they suddenly saw the two central ships slide away backwards, accompanied by a low humming noise and then two more then finally, a larger ship slowly edged away, until all became quiet and motionless once again.
After a minute or so Torb asked, “Is that gap big enough for us to get through?”
“Confirm,” replied Miss Prim.
“Please ask Miss Prudish to move us through it.......but slowly,” ordered Torb.
“Define slowly?” checked Miss Prudish.
“As slowly as possible!” snapped Torb, prompting another glare from Meda.
Two agonising hours later, Miss Prudish finally announced, “We’re through,” and everyone took what felt like their first breath for ages and relaxed.
Torb felt weak and tired and realised he really needed some food so he issued instructions; “Everyone take a break, grab something to eat and let’s have a talk in about thirty minutes.”
Meda followed him into the galley and fixed him with a quizzical look, saying, “I thought we’d all be celebrating if and when we got through but the only reaction was silence.”
“Apart from me, who else expected us to still be alive at this stage? Give us all some time to get used to our new situation and then we’ll see how people are feeling,” he told her.
“I would imagine Jenka is feeling a little lonely at the moment,” said Meda rather slyly, unable to resist the temptation of provoking a reaction from Torb. He immediately stopped what he was doing and turned to her with a slightly confused expression on his face which then slowly altered to show his gradual comprehension, then realisation and finally horror. Meda roared with laughter.
Jenka was definitely having a hard time containing her anger. Torb hadn't even so much as asked how she was since his stupid space-walk, and now he was giving out instructions without a care in the world. As far as she could see, they were going to remain apart for the foreseeable future, unless something dramatic happened but that apparently didn't concern Torb, he hadn't even mentioned it! As a consolation, Jenka got herself a snack which contained an enormous amount of sugary calories which she quickly consumed, deciding that it would be Torb’s fault if she got fat.
Maard and Al were enjoying two very different meals; Maard had three sweet pastries with his coffee but Al had opted to go for some stew, which had been a favourite of his ever since he’d first arrived on Sibli and strangely, he found it very comforting. “What do you think Torb’s next move will be?” he asked Maard as he drained the last of his coffee.
Maard took a moment to consider the question before responding and as he refilled Al’s cup, he said, “I suppose he’ll want to start the search for a suitable planet straight away but the situation with the ship might delay that.”
“Situation with the ship........why, what’s wrong with it?” demanded Al, immediately becoming alarmed and fearing he’d missed some vital information.
Maard held up his hands to placate him and explained, “Nothing is wrong but we cannot move between what were once three individual ships, so now Torb and Jenka are being kept apart. Torb might not know it yet, but that’s a big problem.”
Some confusion raced over Al’s face but he decided not to press Maard for an explanation, just in case it was something that might frighten him.

Paul Chaplin has only been into writing novels seriously for the past couple of years. When he was younger, he had an idea for a book. Bourne out of his love of Sci-Fi and having grown up with the likes of Doctor Who, Blake's 7 and Star Wars.
Paul committed a rough draft of my first chapter to paper (long before laptops and the internet) and around two years ago, when time permitted, Paul was able to write more.
Paul lives in Rural Suffolk, UK and loves the laid back lifestyle that this gives him. Even his local pub knows exactly what he likes and when he walks in the door, they start pouring.
As an avid reader, Paul loves Terry Pratchett, Val McDermid, Henning Mankell and Elizabeth George as well as reading and enjoying nearly all Star Wars spin off books.
Aside from his obvious enjoyment of reading, Chaplin has interests in Sci-Fi as well as watching various sports. Paul has four cats that keep him company when attempting to write.
Paul Chaplin's first book was Science Fiction and although he is still writing in this genre, his most recent book ('A Dark Persecution') is a Murder Mystery. - Release date for A DARK PERSECUTION is November 9th 2014.
(Thank you Paul for sending me this information and for answering my questions. I appreciate it greatly.)
You can find further information on Paul Chaplin and where to follow him at the below websites. Just click on the links below now:
Paul committed a rough draft of my first chapter to paper (long before laptops and the internet) and around two years ago, when time permitted, Paul was able to write more.
Paul lives in Rural Suffolk, UK and loves the laid back lifestyle that this gives him. Even his local pub knows exactly what he likes and when he walks in the door, they start pouring.
As an avid reader, Paul loves Terry Pratchett, Val McDermid, Henning Mankell and Elizabeth George as well as reading and enjoying nearly all Star Wars spin off books.
Aside from his obvious enjoyment of reading, Chaplin has interests in Sci-Fi as well as watching various sports. Paul has four cats that keep him company when attempting to write.
Paul Chaplin's first book was Science Fiction and although he is still writing in this genre, his most recent book ('A Dark Persecution') is a Murder Mystery. - Release date for A DARK PERSECUTION is November 9th 2014.
(Thank you Paul for sending me this information and for answering my questions. I appreciate it greatly.)
You can find further information on Paul Chaplin and where to follow him at the below websites. Just click on the links below now:
Author Contact Details:
Twitter @ChaplinPchaplin
Mail [email protected]
Facebook page facebook.com/aclonesacrificepaulchaplin4
Amazon page amazon.co.uk/Paul-Chaplin/e…
Twitter @ChaplinPchaplin
Mail [email protected]
Facebook page facebook.com/aclonesacrificepaulchaplin4
Amazon page amazon.co.uk/Paul-Chaplin/e…
Taken by a Dragon -
By Felicity Heaton

Blrub (Book 7 from the Eternal Mates Series)
Possessed by a need to save a beautiful Amazon warrior from the vision he witnessed, Loke snatched her from the midst of the battle between the Third and Fifth realm of the demons, and carried her to his home deep in the black mountains of Hell to protect her. But as the fierce little female awakens, he finds she’s anything but grateful, and his dragon instincts roar to life to warn she might be more to him than an enemy—she might be his fated female.
Anais remembers meeting a handsome warrior in the heat of battle, a man who was her enemy but who looked at her with eyes that held dark heat and wicked promises. When she wakes to find that same dragon shifter has taken her captive, desire is the last thing on her mind, but escaping him to return to Archangel, the hunter organisation she works for, sounds less than appealing when he reveals the reason he took her—to stop her from dying.
Can Loke protect Anais from the dangers of his realm and how far will he go to save her from the future he keeps witnessing? Can Anais resist the fierce attraction that burns between them as hot as fire and stay true to Archangel or will her heart be taken by the dragon?
My Thoughts
This is the first paranormal/fantasy book that I have read with dragons in it. Felicity Heaton manages to turn a shape shifter story into something amazing and then for her to throw in both a dragon shifter (Loke) and a human warrior (Anias) that Loke is convinced is a Amazon, is quite fantastical.
I do not know where she manages to come up with such imaginative characters and story lines. This is another perfect blend of romance, suspense, fighting spirit, action/adventure and more.
This is easily the best series that I have read where the writer has stuck to at least one of the main characters being a shifter.
If you are looking for a fantastic adult based romantic suspense series from the fantasy/paranormal genre, then this is the perfect series for you.
Felicity Heaton truly is a genius and a word-smith. I really hope that she manages to keep up with these amazing individual stories for a long time coming.
I really do have high praise for Heaton.
Possessed by a need to save a beautiful Amazon warrior from the vision he witnessed, Loke snatched her from the midst of the battle between the Third and Fifth realm of the demons, and carried her to his home deep in the black mountains of Hell to protect her. But as the fierce little female awakens, he finds she’s anything but grateful, and his dragon instincts roar to life to warn she might be more to him than an enemy—she might be his fated female.
Anais remembers meeting a handsome warrior in the heat of battle, a man who was her enemy but who looked at her with eyes that held dark heat and wicked promises. When she wakes to find that same dragon shifter has taken her captive, desire is the last thing on her mind, but escaping him to return to Archangel, the hunter organisation she works for, sounds less than appealing when he reveals the reason he took her—to stop her from dying.
Can Loke protect Anais from the dangers of his realm and how far will he go to save her from the future he keeps witnessing? Can Anais resist the fierce attraction that burns between them as hot as fire and stay true to Archangel or will her heart be taken by the dragon?
My Thoughts
This is the first paranormal/fantasy book that I have read with dragons in it. Felicity Heaton manages to turn a shape shifter story into something amazing and then for her to throw in both a dragon shifter (Loke) and a human warrior (Anias) that Loke is convinced is a Amazon, is quite fantastical.
I do not know where she manages to come up with such imaginative characters and story lines. This is another perfect blend of romance, suspense, fighting spirit, action/adventure and more.
This is easily the best series that I have read where the writer has stuck to at least one of the main characters being a shifter.
If you are looking for a fantastic adult based romantic suspense series from the fantasy/paranormal genre, then this is the perfect series for you.
Felicity Heaton truly is a genius and a word-smith. I really hope that she manages to keep up with these amazing individual stories for a long time coming.
I really do have high praise for Heaton.

If I had to rate this book I would give it a 3 out of 5. I did enjoy the characters and the plot, but out of her other stories from the Eternal Mates Series, this is not one of my absolute favourites.
The story was still very good and worth reading.
If I had to rate this book I would give it a 3 out of 5. I did enjoy the characters and the plot, but out of her other stories from the Eternal Mates Series, this is not one of my absolute favourites.
The story was still very good and worth reading.
“Eww, what is that. Tell me you don’t eat that.”
He turned to find Anais pointing at a lump of white fat he had carved off an old Hell beast, one of the kind with horns and talons. It had been a difficult battle. He could have easily won if he had resorted to using his dragon form, but his kind preferred to hunt in their mortal appearance. They relished the challenge and the chance to test their skills against a larger foe.
Loke shook his head. “I do not eat that. I use it for fuel.”
“For the fire?” She looked back towards the exit. “And the torches I guess?”
He nodded this time. “It helps. I eat this.”
He picked up a skinned side of Hell beast, around a quarter of the original carcass, with the front left limb and ribs intact, and she looked as if she might vomit.
She swiftly covered her mouth and turned away from him.
Would he ever understand her?
She claimed to be strong, but when faced with a butchered creature, she paled and looked ready to flee. He was beginning to wonder whether she had ever taken a life during her battles. Surely a female who couldn’t look at a piece of meat was incapable of taking a life?
“I think I might be vegetarian,” she muttered into her palm.
Loke wasn’t sure what that meant but he didn’t like the sound of it. “I will make a stew from the leg.”
“What does it taste like?” She peeked over her shoulder at it. “Does it taste like beef or maybe lamb? I’m not big on lamb.”
Beef. Lamb. He presumed these were creatures of the mortal world.
He shrugged. “I am afraid I cannot compare it with something from your realm as I have never been there.”
She frowned and shifted to face him, her fear of the carcass evidently forgotten. “You haven’t left Hell?”
He shook his head. “No dragons leave Hell… so you see I cannot offer you a comparison to ease your mind… but it tastes good.”
“I think I’ll have to be the judge of that. If it does, I’ll tell the world… there’s a bachelor in Hell who can cook.” She paused and ran another glance over him, rekindling the fire in his veins. “You are a bachelor? I figured you were since this cave doesn’t look like the sort of place where a lady dragon would live. It lacks a female’s touch.”
Loke bit back a groan.
His cave wasn’t the only thing that lacked a female’s touch. He had been lacking that for a long time.
His gaze fell to her hands and he was wondering what her touch would feel like before he could stop himself. He tried to shake away the image of her running her palms over his bare chest, making him burn with a soft caress, but it was impossible. He had invited the images into his mind, had opened himself to them, and they flooded him, refusing to go away.
He was vaguely aware that he was standing in the larder, staring at her like a complete dolt and asking for another kick to the groin.
Anais snapped her fingers in front of his face and he jerked backwards, blinking at her.
“I don’t want to know what you were thinking, but your eyes were being weird.” She shuffled away from him, to such a distance that it was clear she had lied and knew what he had been thinking about and knew the reason his eyes had brightened, verging on glowing.
He was hungry, but not for food.
He wanted a taste of something far more dangerous and alluring.
The fascinating little Amazon diligently keeping her eyes off him.
As if that would stop him from desiring her.
Perhaps that desire was part of the reason he had taken her from the battlefield. He had been drawn to her then, powerless to resist her beauty as she had stood over him. She had enslaved him with nothing more than a look into his eyes, a moment where something had passed between them. A silent understanding.
A mutual attraction.
“I am a bachelor,” he said, his voice low at first but gaining strength as he locked his gaze on her and allowed it to drift down her back, taking in her curves and how her black top and trousers hugged them. “I have no female… and it has been that way for a very long time.”
She whirled to face him, a touch of rose on her cheeks. Her mouth flapped but no words came out. When he risked a step towards her, she bolted, slipping past him and rushing down the corridor. She grunted and he switched his senses to her, concerned that she had hurt herself by running into the darkness.
She had stopped a short distance into the tunnel.
He sighed when her voice rang along it.
“Bloody buggery son of a bitch.” Those words held venom that had disappeared when she next spoke, her voice far softer and weaker. “It’s a bit dark. Are you coming?”
Loke smiled and finished gathering what he needed for their meal.
He hacked the leg off the carcass with his knife and set it into the pot, and wiped the blood off the blade with a cloth that he tossed into the pot too. He grabbed the torch from the wall and strolled along the corridor, making Anais wait. The firelight danced ahead of him, reaching her first, slowly running up her legs to her torso and then illuminating her face.
She stared at her knees and muttered to herself as she dusted them down.
“Are you hurt?” He looked at her knees and then her hands, not seeing any scratches or smelling any blood on her.
She shook her head. “For the record, I’ve decided to add another rule. You have to swear not to look at me like that again.”
“Like what?” He stepped closer to her, staring down into her eyes, holding her gaze and challenging her to look away.
She truly was beautiful. The Amazons would have been proud to have her as one of their race.
“Like that.” She managed to hold his gaze but he could see she was teetering on the brink of losing her nerve and looking away.
“Like what?” he husked again, inching closer to her. “Tell me how I look at you.”
She did look away now. “Like you’re a beast and I’m your damned prey… like a barbarian who took someone captive and thinks they can do whatever they please with them.”
He dropped the pot and had her wrist in his hand before she could run away from him. She fought him as he pulled her around to face him, and he held the torch higher, afraid of hurting her with the fire. He released her wrist and had his arm around her waist a split-second later, pinning her against his front. She rained blows down on his bare chest and he let her vent her frustration, because he had more important matters to focus on than mere physical pain.
“Look at me, Little Amazon.” He waited for her to do as he had asked and when she didn’t, he dropped the torch behind him and captured her cheek. She instantly stilled and he cursed when she began to tremble, her fear an acrid note in her soft scent. He slowly skimmed his fingers down to her jaw and tilted her head up. She closed her eyes and he huffed. “Look at me, Anais.”
Using her name seemed to be the key to making her listen because she opened her eyes. Their rich sapphire depths drew him in, leaving him aware of only her.
“I am no beast or barbarian,” he murmured and wished she could believe him. “I have no intention of using you in that manner. I have sworn not to hurt you… have I not?”
She nodded.
“Then why persist with this nonsense?”
She tried to look away but he held her firm. “Because… just because. I don’t have to give you a reason.”
Because she feared the reason she had to give.
She didn’t want to voice it and tell him that he wasn’t the only one who felt desire, who was drawn to her and powerless against the ferocity of his need of such a delicate little female. She wanted him too, and for her it was infinitely more difficult to comprehend and cope with. She viewed herself as a captive and he her abductor. That alone was reason enough for her to fight her feelings.
But she had other reasons too, just as he did.
A mortal was no match for an immortal.
He brushed his fingers across her soft cheek and reluctantly released her, stepping back to give her room to gather herself. He picked up the torch and grabbed the handle of the cauldron.
“Come. I need water.” He waited for her to finish smoothing her clothes before moving.
She followed him, a silent shadow in the low light.
He searched for something to say to dispel the tension between them but nothing came to him. It had been a long time since he’d had female company, had desired one as he desired her, and he wasn’t sure how to go about things. He didn’t know how to charm females of her world, and wasn’t sure he should be charming her at all. He was trying to keep his distance, but the moment he let his guard down, he found himself close to her, seeking a way of touching her or winning a smile from her.
He banked left when they reached the end of the tunnel and led her along another one. The path sloped downwards and the air grew moist as he approached the area deep in the heart of the mountain where he had created a bathing pool and one for his store of water.
Anais busied herself with touring the large cave, her fingers drifting over the stalagmites that rose from the ground, forming jagged black spikes.
“Why live in the front of the cave when you have all these rooms?” She glanced across at him.
He dipped the small wooden pail he had made into the well near the entrance and pulled it out, setting it down on the rocky side. “The fire.”
She frowned. “What about it?”
He lifted the torch and wafted it around, making it smoke. That smoke rose up to the top of the cavern and stayed there.
Her eyes lit up with understanding. “I get it. Smoke accumulates back here.”
“It is safer at the mouth of the cave too. I can sense intruders and it is a bigger space. I can shift if I need to.” He held the pail out to her and she crossed the room to him and took it.
Perhaps she was finally settling in and becoming more comfortable with him. He wasn’t going to hold his breath though. Whenever he thought she was becoming accustomed to being around him, she revolted and turned on him again.
“What’s it like to shift?” she said to the pail.
Loke shrugged. “It is difficult to explain. It does not hurt, and it is over so quickly for me that I barely notice it. It is as natural to me as breathing or walking.”
She frowned at the water, her nose wrinkling with it. “I’ve met wolf and cat shifters. It always looks like it hurts when they shift.”
“I suspect that is because you are hunting those creatures.” He looked across at her and tried to imagine her fighting people from those species. Perhaps she was strong enough to battle cats and wolves, maybe even vampires with the right weaponry, but she was too weak to fight dragons or bears, and he definitely couldn’t imagine her surviving a fight against an elf or a demon. “They are forced to shift quickly. I have heard that it causes them great pain… but then I suppose the death you wish to deal will hurt them worse… giving them to others to butcher in the name of science.”
She raised her eyes to his, narrowing them at the same time. He had offended her again, but this time he didn’t care. Fighting with honour in a battle was one thing. Both parties knew what to expect—death if they failed. Hunting prey for handing them over to others to study was another. The losing side was expecting death, not an agonising torture at the hands of scientists.
He curled his lip again.
She huffed. “I don’t do that… so get it out of your damned head. Archangel doesn’t slice and dice. It studies, but using modern technology. Scans… machines… bloodwork. That sort of thing.”
It didn’t make him change his opinion of this Archangel she was always quick to defend.
“You do not deny that you hand over some of your prey to them though.” He began walking again, heading back towards the fire.
She didn’t respond.
He wasn’t surprised.
She worked for people who made a business of hunting and studying creatures, and he suspected that what she had been told about those studies differed greatly from what really happened.
He led her back to the cave mouth and she placed the pail on the ground near the fire and sat on the furs without him asking her to make herself comfortable.
Loke wasn’t going to read into that either.
He kneeled on the black ground by the fire in the middle of the cave and focused on making their meal. She was silent the whole time, studying him. He stopped several times, on the verge of asking her what she was thinking, before continuing with his work.
She spoke once, during her meal when she mentioned that the meat tasted like beef. He still wasn’t sure what kind of animal beef was. He had taken the empty bowl from her and served himself some stew, and by the time he had gathered the courage to ask and risk her mocking him, she had fallen asleep.
Loke set the bowl down, rose to his feet and crossed the short stretch of ground between them. He kneeled beside her and canted his head as he studied her. She lay on her left side, her back to the wall of the cave, the firelight playing over her soft features and making her fair hair shimmer like gold.
What was it about this little female that drew him to her? She had spoken about strength of heart to him, her belief shining in her words for him to hear. Was emotional strength really a match for physical strength? Did it really make a mortal capable of mating with a strong immortal?
He didn’t believe that.
He brushed a rogue strand of golden hair from her face and settled the tips of his middle and index fingers against her temple. His eyes slipped shut and he breathed deeply and evenly as he focused on her.
Dragons had limited magic born of their connection to the earth and nature. Every generation born in Hell had weaker powers than the last. He was born of the generation before the final one to bear magic.
His magic was weak and he could only use it sparingly. It would drain him and leave him vulnerable for the next few hours, but he had no choice. He couldn’t risk her waking and attempting to escape.
He funnelled a little magic into her, enough to bind her sleep to his.
If she woke, he would too.
When he woke, she would.
It was safer this way.
He hadn’t lied to her. Beyond the cave were other dragons, ones who would live up to her fears.
They wouldn’t treat her with respect as he did. They wouldn’t seek to take care of her. They wouldn’t want to protect her for no other reason than her safety meant something to them. They would only protect her because she would be theirs and dragons defended what they owned.
She would be nothing but a possession to them.
Loke stroked his fingers down her cheek.
What was she to him?
He wasn’t sure, but the longer he was around her, the more he was coming to fear he knew the reason why the thought of a prince of elves and a demon king finding their mate in a mortal female concerned him.
He had a feeling that their meeting on the battlefield had been more than chance.
It had been fate.
Taken by a Dragon is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback. Find the links to your preferred retailer at:
Bitten by a Hellcat -
By Felicity Heaton

Blurb (Book 6 of the Eternal Mates Series)
The sole remaining member of the most famous shifter hunter family in history, Owen Nightingale is a mercenary and a man with a secret held in his closely guarded heart, but when a beautiful rare shifter catches his eye and offers him a job, he has the feeling he’ll be the one paying for helping her—with his heart.
Cait is in a spot of trouble with a capital T. A male hellcat has set his sights on claiming her and she’s one kitty who doesn’t want a collar. When she meets a dark, alluring and mysterious hunter, she sees a chance to rid herself of the male, but the price Owen sets and the fierce passion that burns white-hot between them lures her dangerously under his seductive spell.
Can Owen discover the true intent of the male hellcat and stop Cait from falling into his hands? And can Cait retain control as the heat of desire burns between her and Owen, or will a reckless moment seal both of their fates forever?
My Thoughts
I love this series. Felicity Heaton has a way with words. With complex mix of characters both good and bad and story lines that are so fast-paced and continuously non-stop adventure with a sexual undercurrent, Heaton can make you feel like you are a part of their world.
This is a Fantasy/Paranormal/Romance with a splash of Suspense and 'Raunchiness' to boot.
Cait is out to escape a male hellcat whom she believes is wanting to make her his mate. The last thing Cait wants is to be chained and 'collared' into the life of other females like her who have mates.
Owen is a Nightingale. Nightingale's are hunters, but Owen (as the last Nightingale) has redeveloped his 'brand' is now a mercenary who is out to hunt and deal with various creatures like Jaguar shifters, fae's, demons and more.
Cait and Owen are drawn to each other from the get go and the sexual tension is truly electric from the moment they lay eyes on one another. Cait hires Owen to help her with her 'mate' issue, but Owen thinks there is something else that this shifter wants. Question he faces is, should he tell Cait what this male hellcat is known for? or should he bide his time and dig a little deeper to see exactly what he wants with her?
This is a fast-paced, kick-ass story that is full of amazing scenes and characters. I love Cait and Owen :
Cait a hellcat shifter, who wants nothing more than to be her own person, free from a mate, until she gets close to Owen and can't get enough of him; Is it possible that Cait is falling in love with Owen, even after such a short period of time? Will Owen be able to keep her safe from the male hellcat?
Then there's Owen, who is the last living member of the infamous Nightingale family, renowned for their work as hunters of the 'supernatural', but Owen is hiding something from everyone, which could not just cause problems for him but for another person too. Like Cait, Owen is completely drawn to Cait and is feeling things that he has never felt before, but will Cait want to be with him once he helps her with her 'mate' issue? or will she want to go back out on her own? If they do try and make a go at it, will she be willing to except him after he tells her about his secret?
This is a fabulous series, which has not disappointed me so far. Felicity Heaton is an amazing writer, who can truly add her name up of the billboard of amazing authors such as Christine Feehan, Lara Adrian and Sherrilyn Kenyon (to name but a few).
If you love a great action packed adventure, filled with romance, suspense and paranormal creatures then please, pick up this series. You will not be disappointed at all!
The sole remaining member of the most famous shifter hunter family in history, Owen Nightingale is a mercenary and a man with a secret held in his closely guarded heart, but when a beautiful rare shifter catches his eye and offers him a job, he has the feeling he’ll be the one paying for helping her—with his heart.
Cait is in a spot of trouble with a capital T. A male hellcat has set his sights on claiming her and she’s one kitty who doesn’t want a collar. When she meets a dark, alluring and mysterious hunter, she sees a chance to rid herself of the male, but the price Owen sets and the fierce passion that burns white-hot between them lures her dangerously under his seductive spell.
Can Owen discover the true intent of the male hellcat and stop Cait from falling into his hands? And can Cait retain control as the heat of desire burns between her and Owen, or will a reckless moment seal both of their fates forever?
My Thoughts
I love this series. Felicity Heaton has a way with words. With complex mix of characters both good and bad and story lines that are so fast-paced and continuously non-stop adventure with a sexual undercurrent, Heaton can make you feel like you are a part of their world.
This is a Fantasy/Paranormal/Romance with a splash of Suspense and 'Raunchiness' to boot.
Cait is out to escape a male hellcat whom she believes is wanting to make her his mate. The last thing Cait wants is to be chained and 'collared' into the life of other females like her who have mates.
Owen is a Nightingale. Nightingale's are hunters, but Owen (as the last Nightingale) has redeveloped his 'brand' is now a mercenary who is out to hunt and deal with various creatures like Jaguar shifters, fae's, demons and more.
Cait and Owen are drawn to each other from the get go and the sexual tension is truly electric from the moment they lay eyes on one another. Cait hires Owen to help her with her 'mate' issue, but Owen thinks there is something else that this shifter wants. Question he faces is, should he tell Cait what this male hellcat is known for? or should he bide his time and dig a little deeper to see exactly what he wants with her?
This is a fast-paced, kick-ass story that is full of amazing scenes and characters. I love Cait and Owen :
Cait a hellcat shifter, who wants nothing more than to be her own person, free from a mate, until she gets close to Owen and can't get enough of him; Is it possible that Cait is falling in love with Owen, even after such a short period of time? Will Owen be able to keep her safe from the male hellcat?
Then there's Owen, who is the last living member of the infamous Nightingale family, renowned for their work as hunters of the 'supernatural', but Owen is hiding something from everyone, which could not just cause problems for him but for another person too. Like Cait, Owen is completely drawn to Cait and is feeling things that he has never felt before, but will Cait want to be with him once he helps her with her 'mate' issue? or will she want to go back out on her own? If they do try and make a go at it, will she be willing to except him after he tells her about his secret?
This is a fabulous series, which has not disappointed me so far. Felicity Heaton is an amazing writer, who can truly add her name up of the billboard of amazing authors such as Christine Feehan, Lara Adrian and Sherrilyn Kenyon (to name but a few).
If you love a great action packed adventure, filled with romance, suspense and paranormal creatures then please, pick up this series. You will not be disappointed at all!

My Rating
Okay, so I have giving this a must read/absolutely loved it read! I just couldn't just give this book a 5! I can't quite put my finger on why I loved this book more than the others in the series (and I did love them too - although I still have some to read and haven't read them in sequence, which hasn't really made any difference to me as all stories are individual). I think it has to do with the characters; I wouldn't help but love and become rather emotionally attached to them and how their lives intertwined and their story developed. Felicity really is an amazing genius of the Fantasy/Paranormal/Romance kind!!
Okay, so I have giving this a must read/absolutely loved it read! I just couldn't just give this book a 5! I can't quite put my finger on why I loved this book more than the others in the series (and I did love them too - although I still have some to read and haven't read them in sequence, which hasn't really made any difference to me as all stories are individual). I think it has to do with the characters; I wouldn't help but love and become rather emotionally attached to them and how their lives intertwined and their story developed. Felicity really is an amazing genius of the Fantasy/Paranormal/Romance kind!!
You can purchase any of the following books from The Eternal Mates Series written by Felicity Heaton from various online websites, just click on the store names to be redirected for further information:
Books in the Eternal Mates paranormal romance series:
Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King
Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar
Book 5: Craved by an Alpha Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat
Book 7: Taken by a Dragon – Coming March 10th 2015 (Keep your eyes peeled for my review coming in March!)
(Below are links specifically for 'Bitten by a Hellcat' which is book 6 in The Eternal Mates Series by Felcility Heaton, but don't be dismayed, you can still find all the books via those links or by searching 'Felicity Heaton' in the search box on each website. Good luck, enjoy reading and happy shopping!)
You can purchase any of the following books from The Eternal Mates Series written by Felicity Heaton from various online websites, just click on the store names to be redirected for further information:
Books in the Eternal Mates paranormal romance series:
Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King
Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar
Book 5: Craved by an Alpha Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat
Book 7: Taken by a Dragon – Coming March 10th 2015 (Keep your eyes peeled for my review coming in March!)
(Below are links specifically for 'Bitten by a Hellcat' which is book 6 in The Eternal Mates Series by Felcility Heaton, but don't be dismayed, you can still find all the books via those links or by searching 'Felicity Heaton' in the search box on each website. Good luck, enjoy reading and happy shopping!)
Excerpt from 'Bitten by a Hellcat' -
Book 6 of The Eternal Mates Series.
Cait could only blink as Owen made a swift exit, leaving her standing in the centre of the eggshell blue room. She looked around, wondering what he expected her to do while he changed, and why he had felt the sudden need to do such a thing. Sometimes, on rare occasions, she didn’t understand males.
She sighed, sat on the leather couch opposite the black marble fireplace and perused the magical items on the square wooden table again. There were many different types. Some looked as if they were meant for defence, while others appeared to be used to heal.
Her gaze drifted to a not so magical healing item near the right corner of the table. A white bottle of pills. She carefully turned the pot around and read the label. Prescription medicine of some kind. She wasn’t familiar with the name of the contents.
She placed her palms on her knees and sat in silence for a while, staring at the unlit fire, listening for a sign of Owen. She wasn’t sure how many minutes had passed since he had rushed from the room, but she felt certain he wasn’t going to return anytime soon.
Cait slid her gaze towards the weapons and then to the door behind her. She was sure he wouldn’t mind if she looked around a little. It could be considered making herself comfortable.
She rose to her feet and padded around the room, snooping at his books first. Most of them were tomes about different species, but others were diaries. She read several interesting entries dated from before she had been born over four centuries ago, and then set the book back on the wooden shelf. She trailed the fingers of her right hand across the spines of the others as she walked, heading towards the wall with the fireplace.
Several portraits hung on the wall, all of them old, and all of them resembling Owen in some way. His family. The men in the paintings had regal bearings, an air of importance about them. That contrasted against Owen. He didn’t seem to share their sense of conceited pride.
He had pride, definitely, but not the sort these men in their portraits possessed, a sense of entitlement and that they were better than others, elevated by their cause.
Cait wandered on, bored with staring at his ancestors when she wanted to see him, and snuck towards the door. She peered out of it and into the long hallway. The dark green paint and rich wooden floor seemed to suck the light out of the space, turning the mounted and stuffed heads on the walls even more sinister.
She hoped he didn’t intend to add a hellcat head to the array of Hell beasts he had on display. She couldn’t imagine what visitors made of the gigantic, scaly or horned beast heads.
Cait glanced back into the living room and mulled over the way Owen had acted since they had arrived at his home.
He probably didn’t have many visitors.
She was beginning to doubt he had any and that she was the first person other than Owen to set foot in this house in a very long time.
She turned back towards the hallway and froze as her gaze fell on one of the huge mounted heads.
A shiver ran down her spine and she bared her small fangs at the beast that appeared as a blend between a lion and a reptile, hating the way the red eyes seemed to follow her. She had come close to losing her life to one of those wretched monsters more than once while in Hell. They hunted in packs, rabid beasts that didn’t stop once they caught the scent of fresh meat. The only way to get them off your tail was killing them.
Or craftily crossing paths with an unsuspecting demon and using him as a decoy that would then become the target of the pack’s hunt.
Cait had no regrets about using such tactics. Demons could teleport. She couldn’t. They were far more likely to survive a pack of Hell beasts than she was and if they didn’t, it was one less demon in the world. As a creature born of the Devil’s domain, it could be considered her civic duty to dispose of as many of the demons who had revolted against him and set up their own realms in Hell.
A bang echoed through the house.
She snarled and leaped back into the living room, breathing hard as adrenaline surged through her veins and her senses stretched out, seeking what had caused the sudden noise.
She huffed and smoothed her long black hair, trying to calm herself with the motion. It wasn’t like her to be so jittery but the fight with the male hellcat had set her on edge. She had spent most of the night on high alert, constantly aware of the male on a subconscious level, fearing he would attack her again. Even after she had left with Owen through the back door, she hadn’t been able to settle down. She had spent the entire journey wriggling in her seat and using the side mirrors to look behind her, convinced the male was following her somehow.
What if he had?
An ominous whining sound ran through the building, followed by banging and rattling.
Cait forced herself to stay where she was and ignore it. It was nothing. Probably just the house.
What if it was something?
What if it was him?
Her heart exploded into action and she rushed to the large oak table filled with weapons and armed herself with a crossbow. Her hands shook as she loaded it, drawing the string back into position and settling the dart into its cradle. She raised it and looked around the room, pointing the weapon wherever her gaze fell, breathing hard and fighting her ridiculous fear.
The banging came again, louder this time.
Cait raced from the room, tracking Owen’s scent through the building, following it down the green corridor and up another staircase. A softer noise came from ahead of her together with movement on her senses and she bolted in that direction, throwing a panicked glance over her shoulder at the same time, convinced someone was closing in on her in the dark hallway.
A strip of light shone from beneath a wooden door at the end of the corridor.
She shouldered that door open. “I heard something.”
She swung her gaze towards Owen and stopped dead.
The sudden jerk to a halt made her finger depress the trigger on the crossbow and the bolt zipped across the room, shot just above Owen’s left shoulder and thudded into the cream wall behind him where he stood right in front of her.
Both of his hands moved in unison, racing to cover himself.

Author Bio
Felicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.
If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.
If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:
Felicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.
If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.
If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:

Bloggers Note: I want to take the time to thank those who have helped me make this Book Tour possible. Those people are the author Felicity Heaton, thank you for writing the way you do, without your amazing series I would not have lost myself in your world of Fantasy/Paranormal/Romance and for that I am truly grateful. Here's hoping to have many more stories to add to the Eternal Mates series!
And, Carmel - Heaton's Assistant I want to thank you for continually answering my questions and helping with books and sending the barrage info. Without you both, this tour would not be the way it is and for that I am truly grateful.
And, Carmel - Heaton's Assistant I want to thank you for continually answering my questions and helping with books and sending the barrage info. Without you both, this tour would not be the way it is and for that I am truly grateful.
Justice Mine - By Megan Mitcham

Blurb - (Base Branch #2) Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense
For justice. For country. For love.
After witnessing her friend’s sexual assault, seven year senior, Magdalena Wells escapes an attack with a few bruises and a thousand questions. As a journalist in practice, if not in pay, Mags vows to utilize the skills she mastered in the Democratic Republic of Congo and answer every single one, just as soon as she gets the hell out of town.
Law Pierce’s aim is rest and relaxation after two years undercover in South Africa on an extended Base Branch mission, but restlessness puts him in trouble’s path. As a servant of justice, Law will do everything in his power to keep trouble safe. The fact that trouble’s petite stature and luscious curves stir his every primal instinct is a massive inconvenience he struggles to ignore.
Together Magdalena and Law uncover a web of corruption and dirty lies that could set their country’s top official ablaze, if the inferno doesn’t consume them first.
Book Details:
- Format: Kindle Edition(£2.42) File Size: 2108 KB Print Length: 300 pages Publisher: Megan Mitcham (1 Oct. 2014) Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. ASIN: B00MUCVQHM
You can check out 'Justice Mine' - where to purchase a copy as well as read and write your own review by clicking on the buttons below:

Author Bio
Megan was born and raised among the live oaks and shrimp boats of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, where her enormous family still calls home.
She attended college at the University of Southern Mississippi where she received a bachelor's degree in curriculum, instruction, and special education. For several years Megan worked as a teacher in Mississippi.
She married and moved to South Carolina and worked for an international non-profit organization as an instructor and co-director.
In 2009 Megan fell in love with books.
Until then, books had been a source for research or the topic of tests.
But one day she read Mercy by Julie Garwood. And Oh Mercy, she was hooked!
Megan lives in Southern Arkansas where she pens sizzling suspense novels.
Want to find out more about Megan and her book series 'A Base Branch'? - Well check out the buttons below: -
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If this isn't enough and you want more, then how about the chance to win a $10 Amazon gift voucher through Rafflecopter? If you are interested in this as well, then head over to the 'Competitions/Give-aways' page now!
If you are interested in entering for you chance to win an ebook copy of 'Enemy Mine' (book 1), which is Open internationally. All you need to do is head over to 'Competition/Give-aways' page now for further details.
If this isn't enough and you want more, then how about the chance to win a $10 Amazon gift voucher through Rafflecopter? If you are interested in this as well, then head over to the 'Competitions/Give-aways' page now!
A Final Blogger's Note:
I want to take the time to thank both Xpresso Book Tours and the author Megan Mitcham for giving me the opportunity to be apart of this book tour. If you would like the possibility to hold your own book tour, then click on the xpresso book tours sign below now for further details!
Beast Of Burden (Book Two in The
Hidden Blood Series) - By A. Z. Green

Blurb - Genre: Dark fantasy, Paranormal Romance
Pack Leaders who were allies at the time of the Vikings, had rings made to remind them of who they were and what they stood for. Weremen of peace, justice and loyalty. We try to stand by that principle.
After the attempt on Nik's life, he and Jaz leave Deer Creek to escape the dangers and judgements on both their heads. But many are determined to find them and drag them back.
Curs are creeping out of the woodwork and making themselves known by the increase of deaths, kidnappings and rapes but it seems the Head Council are looking the other way.
Jaz and Nik put their differences aside to begin her training in self-defence and controlling her ability to Change. Jaz allows herself to trust him again despite their rocky start, and in doing so, she soon understands the true reasons behind his past actions.
Things aren't what they seem.
Packs are stirring, enemies are coming out to play, humans will be caught in the crossfire, hybrid Weres must fight for their survival and sides must be picked.
Which side are you on?
Book Details
You can check out 'Beast of Burden' - where to purchase a copy as well as read and write your own review by clicking on the buttons below:
Pack Leaders who were allies at the time of the Vikings, had rings made to remind them of who they were and what they stood for. Weremen of peace, justice and loyalty. We try to stand by that principle.
After the attempt on Nik's life, he and Jaz leave Deer Creek to escape the dangers and judgements on both their heads. But many are determined to find them and drag them back.
Curs are creeping out of the woodwork and making themselves known by the increase of deaths, kidnappings and rapes but it seems the Head Council are looking the other way.
Jaz and Nik put their differences aside to begin her training in self-defence and controlling her ability to Change. Jaz allows herself to trust him again despite their rocky start, and in doing so, she soon understands the true reasons behind his past actions.
Things aren't what they seem.
Packs are stirring, enemies are coming out to play, humans will be caught in the crossfire, hybrid Weres must fight for their survival and sides must be picked.
Which side are you on?
Book Details
- Format: Kindle Edition (£1.97) File Size: 1050 KB Print Length: aprx. 275 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. ASIN: B00QBDTG32
You can check out 'Beast of Burden' - where to purchase a copy as well as read and write your own review by clicking on the buttons below:

Author Bio
A.Z.Green was born in 1989 and raised in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. She met the love of her life aged 16 and moved to London, finally settling down near Brighton.
She has written various novels and short stories in her lifetime but has only recently decided to publish. She writes a wide range of genres such as Dark Fantasy, Romance, Thriller, Historical Fiction, Dystopian, Horror and Paranormal. Her books tend to fit better into the New Adult genre as they usually have a more mature theme.
Beasthood is her first published novel.
Besides writing she also loves designing blogs, websites, covers for others' books as well as her own and various graphics. She has four blogs/websites and counting. Pinterest and Tumblr keep her busy, as does reading, drawing, painting and watching films. That's if she gets time to do any of these things with a three-year-old jumping around.
When asked in an interview, 'What books have inspired you to write?' she replied, 'I write books I wish existed, not because I'm inspired by a book that already exists.'
If you are interested in finding out more about A. Z. Green and want to know where to follow her and purchase her series, then just click on the various links below:
Well Keep reading for a sneak peak from
Book One 'Beasthood' as well as a special guest post.
Beasthood (Book One from The Hidden Blood Series -
By A. Z. Green.
The bloody, raw meat was tantalizing her; calling to her. She hated it and yearned for it all at once.
Stop, she ordered. What are you doing?!
So hungryyyyy, snarled a primal voice deep within her.
Don’t you dare! she screamed back.
But the primal hunger ignored her pleas and took over her body, forcing her rational voice deep within the crevices of her mind.
What would you do if you discovered you weren't human? That you turned into a bloodthirsty monster against your will?
What if your instincts, emotions and desires were torn between your own and the dark, dangerous animal lurking inside of you?
If it could make you yearn for someone you shouldn't, make you say and act in ways you wouldn't and overwhelm your whole existence?
If everything you'd ever known about your life was a lie?
In a world where a deeply hidden community is swathed in mystery, deadly secrets, betrayal and murder, Jaz Barker struggles to fight against the dangerous Beast within her and the emotions and desires it thrusts her way.
When tensions ride high and people she cares about are put in danger, she will have to decide how much of her newly awakened animal-side she's willing to let in.
And if it is worth the risk…
Book Details
- Format: Kindle Edition (£1.52) File Size: 1089 KB Print Length: aprx. 412 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Publisher: A.Z. Green; 2 edition (22 May 2013) Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. ASIN: B00CYBFTWC
You can purchase, read/write reviews for 'Beasthood' using the following buttons below -
Guest Post: Creating Memorable Characters That Will Leave
An Impact On Readers
"Creating memorable characters is something I kind of know how to do, at least that’s the impression I’ve received from readers. But, giving advice on how to do that? That’s a toughie.
Well, let me just number stuff and see what I come up with. When in doubt, write lists." - A. Z. Green
1. Keep ‘Em Real..
Translation: make them believable. Seriously, it’s that simple. Don’t have them overacting or underacting. If you’ve made them a certain way, stick to that template. If they’re naturally shy don’t have them flashing their boobs at the first chance they get, unless they’re ALSO wild, eccentric and proud of their banging body. Another point I can make here is if they’re put in a situation that differs from the norm - such as, they’re drunk, under some kind of threat or influence - then they may act differently. Think of all of these factors when writing.
2. Make Them do Something Awesome.
Every character we remember and aspire to be like in one way or another has acted in a commendable, brave, decent, formidable or rebellious way that says ‘I’m me, hear me ROAR!’ Those are the people you remember. You don’t remember the quiet person in the corner who stood back during a brawl. You remember the one who steps in and punches teeth out of a bully’s mouth.
3. Make it Mean Something
Make them do something awesome - that MEANS SOMETHING. That has a goal, that is for something pure and beautiful and raw. Even something raw but BAD, like revenge or jealousy.
Every man on the planet remembers bunny-boiling Glenn Close and every man’s bits shrivel up at the thought of her. Because she did some bad stuff, down to jealousy, resentment and anger. Also because she was sliiiightly crazy. But she was sure memorable.
Make them sacrifice themselves for the greater good. For justice, for the lives of innocents, for humanity. Make them do something for love. *breaks out into song* Annnnd I would do an-y-thing for love!
4. Speak Cool Stuff
Make sure their dialogue isn’t like a big, stale fart in the room. The stinky kind, not the funny kind. They need to have decent dialogue to go with their purpose.
I hate how films create some kickass characters but then fail epicly on their script. Selene from Underworld is an example. She has a great purpose - to fight against evil vampire and lycans and kick butt, whilst looking sexy in a shiny catsuit - and she rocks it when she enters a room, but boy is she bland and boring.
5. Be Approachable and Relatable
You want the character to connect with the audience, so give them faults and battles of their own. People like people they can relate to because they’re suffering the same way.
A few readers appreciated that Jaz from my novels has anaemia. I have it as well, so I can relate to her, and readers can also. Another reader could relate to Jaz’s adoption and the horrors it brought. There were many moments people understood my characters because they saw themselves in them. Make people see themselves, but not too much. They want to connect but not be reminded of their own problems and flaws. We want to see better versions of ourselves.
6. What Would You Want?
Last but not least, think about what you would want to see in a character. What makes you connect. Step away as the author and come back in as the reader. It’s hard to do that, but having someone to read with you and advise you, helps you to view the characters as they are. They’re people. See them as people, on paper. Not magical fantasies that bend to your will and do what you want regardless of how ridiculous it is or how contradictory it may be to the character.
Everyone knows it’s make believe, but for the time they read your novel, they can almost pretend it’s real. So make the characters real. And they will be remembered.
There’s my list. See, it works? I’m sure there’s more stuff I could think of later, but that’s my advice. Now go forth and write!

A small note of thanks from me -
Thank you for checking out my book tour for A. Z. Green's Beast of Burden' - Book two of The Hidden Blood Series. (now available on Amazon.UK/.COM)
I also wish to thank Bit 'N Book Tours and the author A. Z. Green for helping with information for this tour.
For more information on Bit'N Book Tours - just click on the 'Book' icon to your right NOW!
Thank you for checking out my book tour for A. Z. Green's Beast of Burden' - Book two of The Hidden Blood Series. (now available on Amazon.UK/.COM)
I also wish to thank Bit 'N Book Tours and the author A. Z. Green for helping with information for this tour.
For more information on Bit'N Book Tours - just click on the 'Book' icon to your right NOW!